6th International conference on gravitation and astrophysics, Ewha Womans University
October 6-9, 2003
``Searching for cosmic missing baryons with DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor'' pdf
Workshop at Institute of Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo
October 2-4, 2003
``Looking into CDM predictions: from large- to small-scale structures'' pdf
Seminar at Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
August 13, 2003
``Searching for missing cosmic baryons via Oxygen emission lines'' pdf
Seminar at Ludwig-Maximillians-University
Munich, Germany, August 6, 2003
``Confronting the CDM paradigm with observations'' pdf
Talk at IAU symposium 216 ``Maps of the Cosmos''
Sydney, Australia, July 14, 2003
``Simulations of large-scale structure in the new millennium'' pdf
Talk at Japan-US Seminar ``Cosmology with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect''
Seisen-ryo, Kiyosato, Japan, June 19, 2003
``Searching for cosmic missing baryons via Oxygen emission lines'' pdf
Talk at Ringberg workshop ``Testing cosmological models with galaxy clusters''
Ringberg Castle, Germany, January 14, 2003
``Reliablity of galaxy clusters as cosmological probes'' pdf