
Please find some useful tips here if you'd be interested in joining us, to study and conduct forefront researches on formation of stars and blackholes, evolution of the universe, nature of dark matter and dark energy, and exploring the deep universe with machine learning and super-computing.

Students: please find an excellent graduate program here . This is a 5-year program with full financial support. Many former students also enjoyed a shorter period of stay and study, like summer studentship, through UTRIP or through NSF.

For young scientists: a variety of opportunities are offered by JSPS, by WPI, and by JST. Research positions at Kavli IPMU (WPI) have been an attractive choice for recent fresh postdoctoral researchers.

Our group members are from all over the world, currently from Japan, China, Poland, France, and UK. Former students are working at research institutes in Germany, Sweden, US, Poland. In the past, I worked with students and researchers from all the continents except Antarctica. Our regular scientific activities are held in English both at U-Tokyo and at Kavli IPMU.

For further info, contact me, our group members, or directly to the administration office.

A recent review article Machine Learning for Cosmology

A few articles in English on our research:
Quantum computing unlocks neutrinos' role in universe's structure formation

Bright galaxies put dark matter to the test

JWST and ALMA Capture the Core of the Most Distant Galaxy Protocluster

Neutrinos shape the Universe / Record-breaking simulation

Mysterious dark matter

De-noising cosmic mass map with deep learning

Changing the world with data science

Supermassive black holes

First Stars

The making of the first stars

My CV and publication list.