Space Gravitational-Wave Detection

March 27-29, 2019
Room 341, Area C, Faculty of Science Bldg.1, the University of Tokyo


March 27

・10:30  Junichi Yokoyama    "Opening Remarks : Why this workshop?"
・10:40  Hsien-Chi Yeh      "The development of scientific payloads for TianQin mission"

 lunch break

・13:00  Kiwamu Izumi      "LISA (1)"
・14:15  Naoki Seto        "DECIGO (1)"
・15:30  Keitaro Takahashi   "PTA"
・16:45  Kazumi Kashiyama   "The birth and growth of supermassive black holes in the early universe"

March 28

・09:30  Norichika Sago      "Status of Japanese working group for LISA science"
・10:45  Tomoya Kinugawa   "The remnants of first stars for gravitational wave sources"
・11:15  Medeu Abishev     "The evaluation of EM forward radiations during the propagation of GWs through the dipole field of the magnetar"

 lunch break

・13:00  Kent Yagi       "Probing Extreme Gravity with Gravitational Waves: Current and Future"
・14:15  Atsushi Nishizawa   "Testing gravity at cosmological distance with gravitational waves"
・15:30  Mitsuru Musha     "High power and highly-stable light source for DECIGO/B-DECIGO"
・16:45  Yuto Minami      "LiteBIRD"


March 29

・09:30  Shuichi Sato     "DECIGO and B-DECIGO"
・10:45  Toru Yamada    "Future of Space Science in Japan"

 lunch break

・13:00  Yiming Hu      "Analysis of TianQin Science Objectives"
・14:15  Yuta Michimura   "Disucssion"