
Title: False vacuum decay in imaginary time and real time formalism

Speaker: Muzi Hong

The standard formalism for false vacuum decay is the instanton method developed by Coleman in the 1970s. It is an imaginary time formalism with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Recently, a method using classical-statistical approximation to describe false vacuum decay has been proposed. It calculates the classical evolution of the fields, and quantum effects enter in the choice of initial conditions. This method is a real time formalism and includes zero-point quantum fluctuations. In this seminar, I will review Coleman’s method and introduce the real time formalism, and estimate tunneling rate using both methods, which turn out to be similar. Interestingly, new simulation results published on arXiv last week show that the classical-statistical approximation predicts way much larger tunneling rate than the instanton method in 1+2 dimension. I will also present these results as well as previous simulation works, and try to explain why classical-statistical approximation actually gives different results other than instanton.

[1]Herzberg & Yamada, 1904.08565[hep-th]
[2]Coleman, Phys. Rev. D15, 2929(1977); Callan & Coleman, Phys. Rev. D16, 1762(1977)
[3]Polkovnikov, 0905.3384[cond-mat.stat-mech]
[4]Braden et al., 1806.06069[hep-th]
[5]Herzberg et al., 2009.00017[hep-th]
[6]Tranberg & Ungersback,2206.08691[hep-lat]
[7]Garcia-Bellido et al., 0208228[hep-ph]

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Last-modified: 2022-06-29 (水) 18:29:28 (818d)