
*Title: A few things about entanglement in QFT [#xb7bbf35]

**Speaker: Yusuke Yamada [#o2cdf76e]

Abstract: Entanglement is a characteristic property of quantum theory that has no analogue in classical physics. Although entanglement in quantum theory with finite degrees of freedom is relatively simple, for the case with infinite number of degrees of freedom, such as quantum field theory, we need to be careful since the notions of density matrix, entanglement entropy..etc. are subtle.
In this talk, I will briefly review how QFT Hilbert space is different from that in QM with finite d.o.fs. and then review a few topics related to entanglement in QFT. 

E. Witten, Rev.Mod.Phys. 90 (2018) 4, 045003 [arXiv:1803.04993]
E. Witten, arXiv: 2112. 11614

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