
Title: On the origin of primordial gravitational waves

Speaker: Paolo Campeti

An almost scale-invariant, Gaussian and parity-conserving stochastic gravitational
wave background is produced, according to the simplest inflationary scenario, by quantum
vacuum fluctuations in the early Universe. This simple picture appears to be the one favoured by current cosmological datasets. However, upcoming observational campaigns — such as the LiteBIRD
satellite — could subvert this scenario by detecting deviations from scale-invariance, Gaussianity and/or
parity conservation in the primordial gravitational wave background, which could be produced for instance by additional fields present during inflation. Specifically, we will consider gravitational waves production
from gauge fields sources and discuss the current state and the future developments of observations from both CMB and direct detection experiments perspectives.

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Last-modified: 2022-09-06 (火) 18:57:20 (600d)